kova dryfruits pootharekulu (10 piece)

(2 customer reviews)


Indulge in the traditional sweetness of Pootharekulu, a beloved Andhra Pradesh delicacy made from delicate rice paper filled with a luscious blend of ghee, kova, Dryfruits, and aromatic cardamom. Discover the unique flavors and textures of this coastal Indian sweet, cherished for its exquisite taste and cultural significance.

1000 in stock

kova Dryfruits pootharekulu

Available Types Of Pootharekulu:
Sugar Dry fruits Pootharekulu, Sugar Pootharekulu, Sugar Cashew Pootharekulu, Jaggery dryfruits pootharekulu, jaggery cashew pootharekulu, bellam putharekulu, kova pootharekulu, chocolate pootharekulu.

Quantities Available pootharekulu

10 pieces, 15 pieces , and 20 pieces and bulk quantities .

About Pootharekulu sweet

Pootharekulu, a delicacy hailing from the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, emerges as a veritable treasure trove of gustatory delight. Translating to “coating sheet” in Telugu, this confection embodies a harmonious marriage of tradition and craftsmanship.

Crafted with finesse, each poothareku epitomizes culinary artistry, akin to delicate parchment revealing the secrets of ancient recipes. Thin, translucent layers of rice starch unfold to cradle a symphony of flavors within, whispering tales of culinary heritage.

Enveloping the senses with a delicate crispness, the ethereal layers shatter upon contact, releasing a symphony of textures. Amidst the gentle crunch lies a symphony of sweetness, as caramelized sugar intermingles with hints of cardamom and ghee, transporting the palate to realms of sheer bliss.

The intricacy of its creation mirrors the richness of Andhra Pradesh’s cultural tapestry, where each fold and crease holds centuries of culinary wisdom passed down through generations. With every bite, one embarks on a sensory journey that transcends time, evoking nostalgia and reverence for the art of gastronomy.

Health benefits of Pootharekulu sweet


Rich in Carbohydrates: Pootharekulu primarily consist of rice flour, which provides a good amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body, making pootharekulu a quick and effective way to boost energy levels.

Source of Healthy Fats: Ghee, a key ingredient in pootharekulu, is a source of healthy fats. Ghee contains essential fatty acids that are important for brain health, hormone production, and overall well-being.

Moderate Protein Content: Depending on the filling, pootharekulu may contain some protein, particularly if nuts are added. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, as well as for supporting the immune system.

Iron: Some variations of pootharekulu include ingredients like nuts or sesame seeds, which are good sources of iron. Iron is crucial for maintaining healthy blood hemoglobin levels and preventing anemia.

Cardamom Benefits: If cardamom is used as a flavoring agent, it adds more than just taste. Cardamom is known for its digestive properties and may help alleviate digestive issues like bloating and gas. It also has antioxidant properties and may promote heart health.

Gluten-Free: As pootharekulu are primarily made from rice flour, they are naturally gluten-free, making them suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Low Cholesterol: Although ghee is a component of pootharekulu, consumed in moderation, it may not significantly contribute to high cholesterol levels, especially if it’s made from pure butter and consumed as part of a balanced diet.

Pootharekulu sweet nutrition facts


The exact nutrition facts for pootharekulu can vary based on factors such as the specific recipe, ingredients used, and portion size. However, here’s a general overview of the nutritional components typically found in pootharekulu:

Calories: A single serving of pootharekulu (approximately one piece) may contain around 80-100 calories. This can vary based on the size and ingredients.

Carbohydrates: Pootharekulu are primarily made from rice flour and sugar, so they can be relatively high in carbohydrates. A single serving may contain around 15-20 grams of carbohydrates.

Fats: The main fat content in pootharekulu comes from ghee, which is used in the preparation process. A serving may contain around 5-7 grams of fat.

Protein: While not a significant source of protein, pootharekulu may contain a small amount due to ingredients like nuts or sesame seeds. A serving may provide around 1-2 grams of protein.

Sugar: Pootharekulu are sweetened with sugar, either powdered or in syrup form. Depending on the recipe and size of the serving, they can contain a considerable amount of sugar, ranging from 5-10 grams or more per serving.

Fiber: Pootharekulu may contain minimal dietary fiber, primarily from any nuts or seeds used in the filling. However, they are not typically a significant source of fiber.

Micronutrients: Depending on the specific ingredients used, pootharekulu may provide small amounts of micronutrients such as calcium, iron, and various vitamins. This can vary widely based on the recipe and ingredients.

Weight .350 kg
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 6 cm

2 reviews for kova dryfruits pootharekulu (10 piece)

  1. venkat


  2. ragini

    Good and delicious sweets,

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